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About Our Education Sheets

Where we have researched aspects of the Victorian and Edwardian history of Malton and Norton we have summarised this in one of our 'Education Sheets'. We have also included transcriptions from reports in the local newspapers covering significant items of interest as these tell us what the towns were like in this period. Wherever possible we quote our sources at the bottom of each Education Sheet. All information is correct to the best of our knowledge. You are free to use this information in your private research. If you want to use it for any other purpose please contact us. We are always pleased to hear from those who have knowledge about the history of Malton or Norton - so do please get in touch.

No 1
The Malton Cemetery

|The Malton Cemetery opened in late 1859. Where were people buried before that? How can you find out who is buried there?

No 2

|Thomas Blanche told Malton in 1870 that he ‚"is now prepared to operate under the influence of Nitrous Oxide or Laughing Gas‚"

No 3
The Floods

Not just a recent thing but something Malton people and businesses have had to cope with for many years.

No 4
The Malton Dispensary

The poor could get medical help on an outpatient basis from The Dispensary.

No 5
Malton In and About 1840

Reminisces printed in the Yorkshire Gazette late in 1907 and follow-up correspondence.

No 6
The Railway

The Victorians had ‚ 'Railway Mania' It changed the lives of Maltonians but some were not convinced this was for the good.

No 7
The Manure Company

The first place in Malton to have 'the electric light'. Unpleasant odours but a good investment!

No 8

The first biscuit mill burned down. The second could make 8 to 12 tons of biscuits a week but was not a commercial success.

No 9
The Malton Institute

This set out to educate the working classes by providing a library, lectures, and instruction in the practical branches of art and science.

No 10

Religious beliefs were a large part of Victorian life and mid-19th century Maltonians had a choice of 9 or 10 cplaces at which to worship.

No 11
Malton Iron Foundries

Essential businesses for the surrounding agricultural area.

No 12
The Lodge

Now a hotel but once the home of Earl Fitwilliam's agents, and with an interesting tale of a family feud.

No 13
Malton Co-operative Society

The Co-operative Movement began with the Rochdale Pioneers in the mid 1840s. Malton may well have been a comparatively late starter in 1885.

No 14

Despite the risk to life of non-vaccination. Some people in Malton had something to say about compulsory vaccination!

No 15
Population and Health Statistics

Population trends in Victorian times and the answer to why Norton grew more quickly than Malton

No 17
Infectious Diseases

The usual result of bad housing, over-crowding, and dirt is the spread of infectious diseases.

No 18

The total deaths from tuberculous disease in Malton from 1891 to 1908 were 210, the total deaths from all other infectious diseases were only 30!

No 19
The Sanitary State of Malton 1854

Malton without a system of sewage disposal, drains, a water supply, no pavements and overcrowded housing? That's exactly how it was!

No 20
Malton Cottage Hospital

Opened in 1905. Prior to this persons with serious injury had to be taken to York before their injuries could be properly attended to.

No 21

Again insanitary conditions did not help contain this disease, necessitating the board of health to issue a warning

No 22

The mills were long establshed businesses in Malton, but did you know there was once a windmill in Middlecave?

No 23

From the mid-1850s Maltonians could have their photograph taken.

No 24

The streets were lit with gas lamps from November 1832. The Malton Gas Company was a very successful enterprise.

No 25

In 1893 the Manure Company were the first business to use electricity. The streets were first lit by electricity in 1905 - domestic use came a lot later.

No 26

There were clubs and teams for most sports in the town and Malton produced a number of 'champions'.

No 28
Malton & Norton Cinemas

The amazing spectacle of moving pictures, and later talking ones too, meant that both Norton and Malton had to have a cinema!

No 29
Talbot Hotel

A rather grand hunting lodge that became an inn on the route from Leeds to Scarborough and hosted local events for the gentry and wealthy of the town.

No 30

It was 1903 before a telephone exchange was opened at Malton and 1908 before the fire station was connected to it.

No 31
The River

Once the lifeblood of trade in the town the importance of the river faded fast with the advent of the railway.

No 32
The Workhouse

Before the 'welfare state' this was the place where those unable to support themselves or their families could be 'looked after'.

No 33
Malton Gala

A long running annual event with prizes for plants, vegetables and animals shown. Balloon ascents, musical and other entertainments!

No 37

A lodge of Freemasons was established in Malton in January 1856 with early meetings being held at the Talbot Hotel.

No 38
Friendly Societies

Popular with tradesmen and the working class - members paid a small subscription. If they become ill, unable to work or died, benefits would be paid.

No 39
First World War

Great Britain declared war on Germany in August 1914. What happened next is well documented. But what happened in Malton?.

No 40
Charles Dickens and Malton

Learn why the famous author visited Malton

No 41
Malton in Olden Times

Some reminisces about the town, businesses and customs recorded in 1922

No 43
Fitch & Co

A large and successful drapers and house furnishers that lived on after the death of its proprietor

No 44

Longsters developed a nursery, seed and floristry business, initiated the Malton Gala and opened their grounds to the public.

No 45
Fire Brigade

The fire brigade covered the town, and a wide rural area. No telephone, a horse drawn vehicle and limited access to water!

No 46
Malton Adult School

The Society of Friends in the town established educational facilities for the working class who 'missed out' in their earlier years

No 47
Sebastopol Cannon

The British decided to send cannons captured in the Sebastopol siege and related battles to many British towns and Malton gained one of these.

No 48
War Memorial

The war memorial at the end of Yorkersgate was unveiled on Sunday, 13th March 1921 but there are other memorials in the town.

Contact Us

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The Woodhams Stone Collection is a Registered Charity No: 1177312
Our address:
Malton & Norton Heritage Centre
2 Buckrose Court Commercial Street
Norton YO17 9HN

The Malton and Norton Heritage Centre is currently closed to visitors. If you have a research related enquiry please use our email address.

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Malton & Norton Memories

This group is for those who are interested in life as it used to be in the twin towns of Malton and Norton. It is chiefly a showcase for photos and items from the Woodhams-Stone Collection but you are welcome to post any comments, memories or photos you may have to share.

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